Kathleen T. Isaacs -- Books and other writings



ALA Editions - 2013

Huron Street Press - 2014

ALA Editions - 2015

A Range of Magazine Articles

"Fostering Wonder" in The Hornbook. January 3, 2017
"Children of War: Tales of Child Refugees and Safe Havens in School Library Journal. September 26, 2013
"Promoting Literature through Book Discussion—Capitol Choice" in Book Links. October 2010
"It's a Big World After All." The first Outstanding International Books list originally published in School Library Journal. February 2006.
"Truth in Information Books" in School Library Journal. July 1, 2005


About the Author

Kathleen T. Isaacs spent many years as a teacher, with intermittent stints as a school and public librarian. She has taught in schools and universities in Baltimore, Washington, Hong Kong, and Xi'an, China, and has traveled extensively in many parts of the world.

She has chaired selection committees for ALSC's Sibert Award, ALSC's Notable Children's Books, and USBBY's Outstanding International Book Committees, and twice served as a member of ALSC's Newbery Award committee.

She has most recently taught children's literature in the education program at Towson University in Maryland.

She regularly contributes articles and reviews to professional publications.
